General conditions
The “Mol’ d’Art” name and logo are protected by national and international laws. The use rights, reproduction rights and intellectual rights of this site are the exclusive property of bvba Vanelven.
We give a great deal of attention to the accuracy and completeness of the information on our website. We may not be held liable for any possible inaccuracies and/or omissions, or for any damage of any kind that results from access to or the consulting or use of the information on the website or from its non-accessibility.
The products described and depicted on this website give an overview of our range. The mentioning of a product on this website does not constitute an offer. The pure expression of the customer’s will to acquire a product does not suffice to bring about an agreement. The customer may only place an order on this site if he confirms that he has read and approved the Mol d’Art general conditions for Internet sale.
Images and product descriptions are not binding. The information that appears from this must always be checked. The prices indicated are valid on the day of consultation of the website, barring display errors, for which Mol d’Art bvba may not be held liable.